On 31st October at 11.00 (CET) COGITO project specialists will present the Digital Twin Platform and Data Visualization Tool which are the core of the entire toolchain developed within the last 3 years in the frame of the COGITO project.

This webinar is the 4th one out of the series of 5 webinars titled ‘Practical Tools for the Construction Sector in Digital Twin’ organized by the COGITO Team and BUILD UP Platform. The aim is to present COGITO Digital Construction 4.0 tool-box and gather important feedback from the audience. Follow us to be updated with recent results on:  Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube.


Construction Supervisors, Construction Board of Managers, Construction Project/H&S/QA Managers, Construction companies, Construction site labour, Technological Platforms and Professional Associations and Initiatives.



Time (CEST)PresentationSpeakers
11:00 – 11:05 WelcomeBUILD UP
11:05 – 11:10 Project overview 

  • Objectives and recent results
  • COGITO Tools in a nutshell
  • Q&A
Giorgos Giannakis, PhD

Hypertech Energy Labs

11:10 – 11.30 Digital Twin Platform 

  • Why Digital Twin Platform?
  • Provided functionalities; 
  • Walkthrough 
  • Q&A
Kyriakos Katsigarakis

Research Fellow in BIM Platforms and Data Integration

University College London

11:30 – 11.50Data Visualization Tool

  • Why Data Visualization Tool?
  • Provided functionalities; 
  • Walkthrough
  • Q&A
Giorgos Giannakis, PhD

Hypertech Energy Labs

11:50 – 11:55 PollBUILD UP
11:55 – 12:00Wrap up & conclusionsBUILD UP


Click here to register




Mr Kyriakos Katsigarakis

Mr Kyriakos Katsigarakis graduated with a BSc in Production and Management Engineering from the Technical University of Crete in 2010. The same year, he started working as a research associate in the same institution on EU-funded (FP7 and Horizon 2020) research and technology-development projects in ICT for energy efficiency in buildings. He has extensive technical experience designing, developing and testing platforms for lifecycle management and data integration. His research focuses on developing data integration platforms that provide quality checking, semantic enrichment and Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tools related to Building Information Modeling (BIM), Building Energy Modeling (BEM) and Semantic Web. He is the author or co-author of over 30 scientific papers on energy efficiency in buildings and data integration. Mr Kyriakos Katsigarakis is currently working as a Research Fellow in BIM Platforms and Data Integration at UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE).


Dr Giorgos Giannakis

Dr. Giorgos Giannakis holds a Ph.D (2015), a MSc (2011) and a Diploma (2008) in Production Engineering Management from the Technical University of Crete. From 2009 – 2018, he has worked as research assistant at the Technical University of Crete, participating in FP7 and H2020 projects (FP7-PEBBLE, FP7-BaaS, H2020- OptEEmAL) with main role the Development of Methodologies for Automatic Building Energy Performance Simulation Models Generation using Building Information Models and Model-based Control Design Methodologies for Building’s Energy Performance Improvement.

From 2017 – 2019, he participated in an IBPSA research project that focus on the development of a BIM/GIS and Modelica Framework for building and community energy system design and operation (IBPSA-Project1). Dr. Giorgos Giannakis is currently working as a Project Manager at Hypertech SA (technical manager of the BIMERR project). He is an author of more than 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, his research activities focus on BIM, building energy modelling, data-driven simulation and optimization, conforming to relevant standards.



Hypertech is a Greek SME founded in 1997. The Energy Labs Unit of Hypertech was established in 2012 with the aim to design and prototype digital solutions that facilitate the energy transition of buildings. The solutions comprise an integrated hardware and software stack which includes: i) a building instrumentation solution to extract real-time data streams about the status and operation of building technical systems and appliances as well as occupancy and usage patterns by humans; ii) a data space infrastructure populated by these data streams that allows data exchange with service providers while preserving data control and sovereignty; iii) a building energy management system to improve energy efficiency, autonomy and enable the active integration of buildings to the energy utility networks and support the decarbonisation of the built environment and energy sectors; and iv) openBIM-based digital tools for building renovation evaluation and planning as well as building operations monitoring and optimisation. 

University College London (UCL) was established in 1826 to open education in England for the first time to students of any race, class or religion. UCL is ranked eighth in the world’s top ten universities by the QS World University Rankings (2020) and the top- rated university in the UK for research strength (Research Excellence Framework 2014), by a measure of average research score multiplied by staff numbers submitted. It was rated top not only in the overall results, but in each of the assessed components: publications and other research outputs, research environment and research impact. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 29 people who were students or academics at UCL. UCL attracts the third highest number of academic citations per faculty member in the UK showing the high esteem and relevance of the institution’s research (QS 2013).